Hmm... It seems I'll have to read up on that at some point, thanks.
This doesn't solve the matter of the stats though. Either there are lots of missing blocks on the stats page or something is broken. Compare the list of recent blocks for the PPLNS pool here with with, for example, the list of recent blocks for In the last 24 hours we've had only 8 blocks and they've had 61. This simply cannot be explained by luck or the difference in hashing power (they've had about 140% more hashing power than us for this period).
I don't know what to tell you.... except to check out the new transaction log. It's broken down to the last 100 transactions for each currency. It's all there, and in a much more readable format this time.
As for possible "missed" blocks, that's only if the namecoin client missed them. The balance is perfect for user balances and promotions, an extra 50 NMC would stick out like a sore thumb.
If you like, I'll also post the Wallet balance, beside overall user balances & promotional balances. (Although, I'm not thrilled about announcing wallet info)