You say you are not a Bitcoin Hater,but you called Bitcoin a ponzi scheme.There's a contradiction here.
If you have a certain point of view,every financial asset can be called a bubble.Tesla stocks are a bubble,real estate prices are a bubble,NFTs are a bubble,gold price is a bubble.
Human perception of value can be weird.People are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for shitty and pointless NFTs,rather than investing in something that makes sense,like Bitcoin.
I guess that scholars and scientists will have to re-write all the books about economics and finance.
The future economy is going to be way different than everything we know.
Nobody knows whether or not Bitcoin is in a "bubble phase" or a "stable growth phase".
He is a bitcoin hater. There are a lot of people who say something negative after the word "I am not ... BUT,.." then say something negative. I am not racist BUT followed by something racist, I am not a capitalist/communist BUT and then followed by something capitalist/communist, many examples could be given. He is a bitcoin hater, and anyone who thinks bitcoin is a ponzi or a bubble would be a bad person as well, there is no in between, if you like bitcoin you like bitcoin, if you dislike bitcoin you dislike bitcoin, there is no in between zone here, this is why I do not believe people who say these type of things.
If you really want to prove that you do not hate bitcoin, do not say something that shows your ignorance when you are criticizing bitcoin, as simple as that. Isn't there anything to say about bitcoin that is bad? There is, but it is no ponzi nor bubble.