I tried removing Zadig and reinstalling the driver thru windows without changing with Zadig and still it does not work. I am running the command line shown in these thread.
bfgminer -o stratum+tcp://us1.ghash.io:3333 -u XXXX -p XXX -S antminer:all --set-device antiminer:clock=x0981
the antminer is working with cgminer but cant get it to work with bfg. Thanks
How long do you give it? Try giving it a minute or two to load. Are you running it in a command prompt or a shortcut/.bat file? If it's the latter try using the command prompt directly since the window closes if the shortcut or .bat file runs into an error. Using a command prompt lets you see what the error message is.
You could try to start BFG Miner with just the '--set-device antiminer:clock=x0981' command and see if that works or with no commands at all.
Also make sure the pool details are correct as it will auto close the window if it is not.
I have given a few minutes and stays there nothing other than "started bfminer 3.10.0"..If I run just --set-device antiminer:clock=x0981
then runs but does not recognize the Antminer. If I run just -S antminer:all --set-device antiminer:clock=x0981 then it hangs as before when I had the pool info...I am running from command prompt not batch file. Are you able to run the new 3.10.0 on Win 7 64? Thanks
I ran it for a while yesterday and went back to 3.9 today. I have three workers all Win7/64 and although it ran I was getting a ton of errors so not sure what that is about. Standard startup.
clocking @ 2ghs though not even trying 2.2 but that is even with 3.9 because I think my hub isn't throwing enough power into the sticks.