Does RISE offer any proof of stake rewards ?
And what is the difference between DPoS and PoS ??
Hi @jay8291,
With Proof of Stake (PoS) rewards are typically based on the amount of coins/tokens held in the wallet, the more coins you hold the greater the rewards. With Delegate Proof of Stake (DPoS) the rewards are collected through maintaining a server node that verifies and processes transactions on the blockchain (forging). To be eligible for the rewards you need to be voted in as one of the 101 delegates. Below you can read about DPoS in more detail.
An excerpt from the RISE Technical White Paper explaining DPoS:
Rise is based on the DPoS[7] (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism. This method of consensus was originally created by the BitShares team.
DPoS is based on delegates creating blocks. Delegates are trusted accounts which are elected to be “Active Delegates”. The 101 delegate accounts with the most votes create the blocks. Other delegates are listed as “Standby Delegates”, and can advance to the top 101 list by receiving votes from the other Rise owners. All users of Rise have 101 votes available to elect their favorite delegates into the top 101 list. The weight of each of the 101 votes is proportional to the amount of Rise the user has in the wallet the votes are cast from. This total amount is shown on the delegate list as an “Approval”, and is listed as a percentage of the 100 million Rise available that is voted for that delegate.
Delegate promotion to the top 101 or demotion to the standby list happens at the completion of the 101 block generation cycle. Each cycle of 101 blocks is created by the top 101 delegates in random order. The block time is 10 seconds. Newly created blocks are broadcast to the network and added to the blockchain. After 6 to 10 confirmations, a block, along with its transactions, can be considered as confirmed. A complete 101 block generation cycle takes approximately 16 minutes.
In DPoS, forks can occur, but the longest fork wins. Delegates must be online all of the time and have sufficient uptime. Uptime is used to catalogue the reliability of a node by logging each time that it misses a block that was assigned to it. Users vote for the top 101 delegates based on several factors, uptime being one key factor used to make a determination. If a delegate drops below a certain rating, users may remove votes from the delegate in question due to poor performance.
To read the whole White Paper go here:
wow im impressed by that technical whitepaper. This kind of professionalism will get us noticed