Daily Dev UpdateRelated Blog PostToday was spent on our hosting foundation, mostly in design, working out ways to mitigate the potential DDOS and massive load we will experience when we launch. The highest priority of any currency should be to ensure access to the currency. Delegated, Web-based systems must ensure that investors can access their currency as soon as possible after launch. This is vital for a platforms success.
To this end, we are going to learn from the mistakes of those before us, and are developing plans to mitigate the load that will enevitably come on the first few days of launch.
DDOS Protections
All nodes, DNS servers, and infrastructure in our system will utilize industry standard DDOS Mitigation schemes. Using techniques like Fail-to-ban and per-IP Rate limiting, we will help ease the load on any individual server. Additionally, we will have the load spread out of over multiple nodes, behind firewalls hosted by Microsoft Azure. All the files we can store in a CDN will be stored in a CDN, to limit the amount of load on the server, and each node will run multiple instances of our web wallet, to increase the number of available connections. Each individual node will have a 1Gb WAN connection.
Opt-in Load Balancing
We are going to try something new with all nodes. When you create a node, you will have the option of joining it to our Opt-In DNS Load balancing. This will allow us to spread the load of any access to wallet.rise.vision (the future location of the web ui) among all node owners who opt-in to this service. More details to come
Load and Offensive Testing
Prior to launch, we will spin up a testing environment as similar to our production environment as possible, and run both load and penetration tests against the network. This will range from simple vulnerability scans and standard DDOS attempts, to more advanced exploit verification scenarios. Again, more details will be released closer to testing date.
And one more thing...
We have official date and time for the "Next Generation Economy" talk, as well as the Rise.Vision Dev Discussion. These will be held back to back on Wednesday, June 8th, at 1200 hours for the "Next Generation Economy" talk, and 1300 hours for the Rise.Vision Dev Discussion. Times are in Eastern Standard Time.
Both of these talks will be hosted, and will be recorded for viewing at your leisure.