Daily Dev Update Related Blog PostLast update for the week, will resume on Monday. We are going to start posting the updates on the Rise.Vision blog, and linking you to them, so we can keep them in one place for the time being.
ROADMAP! I am in the process of writing up the product requirements for each of those pieces. I'll have some completed today, the rest will be completed on Monday. Intense development will likely start on Tuesday of next week, after I meet up with the other two developers and get everyone on their initial tasks.
why are the devs not developing together with lisk, it would make their chance to have a successfull project running higher.
it will give you alot of problems forking a coin in development and working on it. there were projects forking darkcoin in 2014, almost all of them are gone. it would make sense to fork now dash, but not a system in development. it was the same with bitcoin, there were alot of forks, all gone.
-i think you are underestimating the problematics
-make a good coin, another coin, start from scratch, make an unique coin.
this looks like a scam and probably is, even with good intentions. alot of people starting with good intentions and end bad.
We forked Lisk primarily for 2 reasons. It's DPoS system, and it's use of Javascript. For the most part, the Rise Platform is going to be a nearly from-scratch rewrite, utilizing different server and sandboxing technologies. We are pretty much going to be pulling the DPoS system out of Lisk, and porting it into our system. This is one of the most challenging pieces of a blockchain to write, and write correctly, we didn't want to start from scratch and have nothing to work with.
We were originally just going to make some minor adjustments, convert the DApp system to a containerized system instead of a node-js based sandbox, then we would be pretty much done. As we got looking at the code, and playing with the SQLite based DB, we realized that we could make much more significant improvements if we built from scratch and retained the DPoS system that they built, which is very clean, and seems to work quite well.
Lisk is following a Javascript Only concept, we are deciding on a Javascript First concept, with support for additional server side languages as we build. We want to reach as many people as possible, Javascript is a great start, but adding the other major languages is vital for the deepest penetration possible for DApps.
If you have any additional questions - reach me on our
This road map looks very promising. Thanks Dev!