You are absolutely correct Mr. Dover, we need to let our rulers pass whatever laws that they want to no matter how much it concerns us and our money, and we must remain silent all the while they are in control. I'll shut up now in silent support of my masters because no form of government is as efficient as a Kingdom (ahhh...bliss....)(gee, I wish I lived in North Korea)
But as long as feedback on the proposals is not taken seriously and basically ignored there isn't even a need to bother people with it because no consensus is possible anyways. Feedback from the community should be treated with more respect, then maybe it would make sense to bother people. But this Gavin-populism and shit like his last announcement is totally uncalled for. He doesn't even respect the concerns of other experts. So what the hell is this shit? Why do we even talk about it? Get this guy some supervision, he clearly needs it!
Gavin shouldn't even be allowed to make proposals anymore after this fiasco. He should be presented with proposals and get contracts from others what to code. He's clearly not in the position to bring forward any proposals he himself would have to decide on.
If he proposes something it's not on him to judge his own proposal, that's the job of others. He seems not to understand this basic concept!
Bottom line: If you don't respect the communities feedback, then why even bother people with it? Just go back to the rock you crawled out from-under.
The truth of the matter is: we weren't asked at all. We as a community were just targeted with a populism campaign which King Gavin hoped would be a success because people would be too dumb to evaluate and would believe what is them being told so he could outsmart the devteam and wouldn't need a consensus from them and could basically do whatever he wants as long as the populism works. Well, wasn't so.
How are we as a community even expected to discuss? We aren't. We are just bombarded by some gavin-fans with endless propaganda and that's it.
The only conclusion possible:
Gavin hold way too much influence in this Bitcoin project right now. Influence, he's not able to handle correctly.
Bottom line of the bottomline:
If a decent consensus principle would have been applied all this shit would have been spared (to come back on topic)
Gavin makes a proposal and judges it himself and then defends it against concerns so it can be unchanged and reflects his own vision only and he of course doesn't get a consensus from anyone for it. What he then does instead of changing the proposal acccording to valid critique and concerns to get a consensus going, is: he starts a populism campaign on social media for it. Excuse me? Must be joking!
Guys, this is not how anything Bitcoin will work longterm.
This whole thing looks like a bunch of amateurs in their garage to me. Bitcoin developement needs clear cut rules how proposals have to happen and how consensus is tried. This right now is just some apes thinking they would be intelligent because they can code and use some academic vocabulary. In reality these guys are total amateurs. And Gavin is amateur #1