Just think about the possibilities, this will make look december 2017 like nothing.
Its incredible when talking with no-coiners, how they seem to not understand what will happen in the close future.
Now they are like "i dont need bitcoin" and once the bullrun is in full motion they will be like "i should have bought before".
Oh well i guess this is old news to the veterans here, but i still wanted to bring it here.
Also im curious on what this will do to altcoins like litecoin, their strenght is the faster and cheaper transaction. Bitcoin will have these strenghts then too.
LN is not a sole feature of bitcoin.. so.. altcoins like litecoin will also have bitcoins stuff. plus the things bitcoin doesnt.
you mentioned litecoin, so lets talk about that
litcoin, = segwit ltc1q addresses, litecoin using LN, litecoins faster blocktimes, litcoins cheaper onchain fee's, litcoins statistically higher than 7tx/s
seems too many people are hanging onto bitcoins viability IF LN arrives.. problem is. all other coins will get to use LN too. so bitcoin wont have a feature that only benefits bitcoin.
its like shouting "myspace will soon include playing videos on peoples profiles yeppie!!............ oh wait facebook, googlplus will also do this"..
dont hold all your hopes onto LN. its just a crypto side service for ALL coins. instead stop kissing devs asses for making people have to lock coins into multisig vaults to then use a service which then promotes that its cheaper to use.. and then if wantiing to settle, cheaper and faster to settle on an altcoin like litecoin..
many pople THAT ACTUALLY USE LN (not just read the reddit promotions) have run scenarios and found flaws. and also seen that once inside LN, returning back to bitcoins mainnet sems less appealing than alternatives. .. that includes the devs themselves
when devs themselves are literally screaming bitcoins mainnet cant scale, its slow and no longer innovative.. (yes they are the cause of the stagnation of innovation) you need to take a step back and really think about what has changed since 2013 and then run some actual scenarios... not just read utopian adverts on reddit
and then.. kick (kick not kiss) the dev's asses to get back to innovating bitcoins mainnet instead of these corporate side services