this investment was done at the behest of a youtuber which proved to be a big mistake in my life.Now I have thought that do not invest at the behest of others.
Yep, that was the big mistake. If a user wants to buy a token or an altcoin he should do it himself, create an account in the exchange and make the trade.
Nowadays is easy for the scammers to get a group of investors and walk away with the money... so, the best option is to learn how to invest our money and how to del with exchanges.
You should invest at your own interest and not into other's behest. All your money should be at your full control and do not let other people affect your investment, you are responsible with your account and you need to manipulate it properly so that you can also grow and learn more about investments.
The mistake that you've made should be your lesson to become more knowledgeable and wise enough to engage in bitcoin.
Big names should not let your account become attracted or be fooled because there are some fraud accounts that can steal your money, always be careful about your assets and you really need to have your own decisions. Learn from your mistakes because learning are limitless.