No. Money runs on the SAME fool theory. You accept it, because you think someone else will accept it *for about the same value*.
A same fool theory is sustainable, and if it kicks in, you have money. The reason why it is sustainable is that you can appear AGAIN further in the loop. And again, and again.
A Ponzi, or a bubble, is based upon the GREATER fool theory. You will eventually run out of greater fools, so this is not sustainable.
However, in order for an asset to become money, and to adopt a same fool theory, it has to go through some stages of "greater fool" when it is acquiring value.
So no (free) monetary asset can avoid having a bublish behavior during its initial phase.
The difference between a bubble, and emerging money, is that the asset collapses after the bubble, and flattens out on the top if it becomes money.