unless its a "store card" eg walmart branded visa credit card, you are understating the time frame..
usually card issuers mail a new card which can take 10 days.
also shops using old magnetic strips have the capability to manually process using the long embossed numbers on the front side of card, taking minutes
but as you also stated FIAT economy has already bypassed the magnetic strip dilemma by having touchless NFC cards and chip and pin cards.
barclays UK also have a work around in the form of an app, called pingit, aswell as apps like (applepay) as solutions to plastic card damage.
and now even NFC wristbands,phones instead of plastic cards
so you are not using a good example for a thing bitcoin solves.
bitcoin is actually behind fiat in the ability to make a transaction. bitcoins transaction creation mechanism(user interface) and private key store, needs an overhaul.
also trying to find advantages of bitcoin to talk about in a bitcoin forum. is just preaching to the converted. theres no point advertising bitcoin to those of us already using bitcoin. whats needed are real solutions to real problems even we notice.
Banks moved on yes, but some clothing chains and other merchants still use the old magnetic strip. {It might be cheaper} The point is,
Bitcoin eliminate the need for a physical media that can be damaged. My card was for a clothing retail shop, and their procedure allow for a
immediate card swap, when your card fails. { in theory } The reality is, you have to pay for the replacement and because they had their own
employees "creating" cards from blanks for themselves... you have to contact their head office and jump through hoops to get it verified and
then swapped for a new one.