Is it almost the time where our world will be one and the people will be attached with the RFID's and also a one world currency?
Mark of the beast, the word mark in greek word means stamp. In the bible, Revelation Chapter 13: 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Is this the start of the One world government? The implant microchips or the RFID's that makes them control the people of what they do and track them where they are. If ever the time comes will bitcoin survive in the future or not. No one knows
This topic is very make sense to me, due to in the near future bitcoin will going to be a world currency in the near future.
I'm sure about that, as long as there is people used bitcoin and loved it so much it is still had a big chance to be happen.
NO CHANCE sorry to spoil the party
Goes up and down to much and always will ..
So look at it like an ASSET
gold DIAMONDS even
But then again it could end up worth a PLOP..
Yes that noise when it goes down the pan PLOP..
So be smart invest only what you can afford to loose..
Like 1 guy said he only buys different cryptos each week Like 20 dollars worth every week
and if he looses so what..
I have seen people put the whole life savings in a crypto Like WORLD COIN and they lost BAD..
Makes me think what happened to that guy now ..
Maybe hung himself
So don't be a fool and get swept by the moment just be careful ..
I hate anyone loosing money ..
So just to let new comers to BITCOIN know because seems to be quite a lot lately especially if you talk about ISLAM..
look to see if copy and paste work on the cryptos you choose to buy..
Now happy DREAMING of your MANSIONS
some will make it but many wont ..SO BE CAREFUL..
No crypto can be used as a currency if it goes up and down to much..
You would have to change the packaging on items every other week
Buy for £1 will not be buy for £1 in 2 days a week ..
And if you think about it most products are good because of what it's wrapped in..
Some wrapping is worth more than the ITEM ..
Bottle of water