I want to buy three different brands of hardware wallets to diversify my altcoin storage. Currently I have TREZOR ONE and BITBOX02, both were purchased directly from the official website.
Since you are working with altcoins, I don't see the point in adding a 3rd hardware wallet to the mix. I don't have a a lot of positive things to say about most altcoins anyway. The Trezor One is a decent unit. I have never used a BitBox, so I don't feel like saying anything about it.
It's hard to choose the third one, as both onekey and keystone do not passed the open source testing of WalletScrutiny. Is there any problem with the open source nature of OneKey at present? Can I trust that it is completely open source?
I haven't done any research or read their explanations (if they gave any) why WalletScrutiny wasn't able to verify the binaries. Looking at if from far away, it's not a good sign if you call yourself open-source but those claims can't be verified.
Is it better that buying a new Trezor safe 3 (only using trezor safe 3 and bitbox02), instead of onekey or keystone (using trezor one, bitbox02, onekey/keystone)? Thank you!
The Trezor Safe 3 is a younger, stronger, and more modern version of the Trezor One. It's probably going to replace Model One completely one day. But dkbit98 mentioned something interesting. OneKey had a serious vulnerability a few months ago where it was proven that the keys from its secure element weren't encrypted and thus could be intercepted. That's exactly what a security company did and made OneKey aware of that. Despite the existence of a SE chip, it didn't make the wallet safer because it was coded wrongly. Who knows what else they did wrong that is yet to be discovered.