Forget the "revolution" part. Rather, do 2 things:
1. Stop signing IRS documents except if you sign them non-assumpsit = no contract;
2. If they (the IRS) bother you in any way:
A. Look at whoever harms you - the actual man or woman signing the docs, and...
B. take them to court in a court of record...
C. which is man-to-man court where the attorneys don't play a part...
D. and sue them for wrongdoing against you, 'cause they don't know your circumstances except if you tell them.
All the Federal (United States) District Courts are courts of record. Get a jury trial in one of them, where the judge is a magistrate, and not part of tribunal = those who do the actual judging regarding the case. This is what Karl Lentz does and teaches. Karl's websites, and others: = Angela Stark's Talkshoe. = TrustInAllLaw snippets of Karl's audios. = Karl's main page. = Karl's United Kingdom page. = Craig Lynch's snippets page. = Ten great Youtube videos, might be the best introduction to Karl. = Karl's Talkshoe site. = Karl Lentz - The Brian Bonar Incident - YouTube. = Lentz-Sense - don't be a More~On - YouTube.
Other Info = The Secret is most judgments are Void on their face and not merely voidable. = Trinsey v. Pagliaro - Attorneys cannot "speak" in common law trials if the one who is bringing the suit orders it. Holding from Trinsey v. Pagliaro: "An attorney for the plaintiff cannot admit evidence into the court. He is either an attorney or a witness."
Look. The IRS is costing you $hundreds of thousands over the years. Why not spend a few paltry hours looking at what Karl does. Join with others who do common law, and beat the IRS, now. Start by watching this:
Karl Lentz at Johnson City Tennessee - April 16th 2016