I know it won't be cheap, but I guess it's worth it.
Well, I could give you some bibliography and some tips / ways of proceed to create a brand and also teach you how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, but I'm not sure if you could reach a professional level if you don't practice a lot and, the best way for me, is doing the graphic designer career (it took 5 years for me!). I'm telling it because most of the principles of graphic design can be learned without any problem, but the quality and the creativity will be found with the experience and the practice (and of course, if you like it you will be great).
(sorry for the poor language, my english sucks!)
Well I mean I know what you were saying with the creativity and everything, just how to execute it into something nice. What programs do you suggest for more advanced projects? Illustrator and Indesign, what else? Practice shouldn't be a problem for me.