On a serious note, DeepOnion will recover and you'll see that people who sold at this price will be angry at themselves soon. We're at the last few weeks of the airdrops, which in addition to the market which has dropped the last few months, is making things look worse than they actually are. I've seen many coins lose as much and in some cases more value than we did. I never expected DeepOnion to stay at ATH, though. I was surprised when I saw all these people thinking that DeepOnion would keep climbing up when the whole market was down. We're not gods, guys. We will fall like a lot of good projects have. The important thing is, will you still be with us when we rise?
Market will recover, sooner or later, sell only if you must.
Yep, and yet, people don't listen and they sell. I understand those who are in need, some people didn't come to the crypto world with investments, some are getting paid in cryptocurrency so they have to sell if they want to afford anything in their life. But people who have made an investment should hold. This is a game of patience and strategy. It's not for antsy people.