What kind of Staking does ONION use? PoS v2? v3? Thanks.
And where can I find up to date and accurate specifications? I see staking is 10% first year, 5% second year... etc. When exactly does the first year end?
I think PoS v3 used for master-node using cryptos (masternode is not distributed PoS)
1st year should end 365 days from the launch day 12 Jul 2018 we have about 5 months left for seeing first halve
PoW block reward will drop from 8 to 4 Also PoS reward will drop from 10 % to 5 %
then we will see next halve block reward for pow will drop from 4 to 2 and PoS will drop from 5 % to 1 % yearly
can read from official website https://deeponion.org
Thanks for the clarification. I couldn't fint any information on which version of PoS we were using, so this is great