DeepOnion has uniuqe and useful blockchain technology allowing you to copyright your uploaded files ensuring that you have proof you created the document, music or invention etc.
Very fast and secure tor network transactions with Stealth IP addressees OBFS4 and meek protocols. Plus DeepProtocol Stealth Wallet Addresses.
Great community which is decentralised via #VoteCentral and including a huge bounty & development fund for the implementation of other technology and marketing all democratically controlled by the members.
Other great features will be completed soon plus others in development
So without making a huge post let's just add that theres also rap videos and a merch store
Oh also there's a question on twitter about trying to join the DeepOnion telegram group
Hi deeperx, good to be back... I'll be on the forum later... I have a new poster...
Great progress Deeper and team on the CodeRebase future proofing DeepOnion allowing the integration of the other blockchain features such as smart contracts plus the great payments systems already and the others nearly complete & DeepSend 70% complete.. Excellent work all..