Avoid posting twice in a row because it's against BCT rules and your account may get banned. Edit your post or wait for a reply.
Devs do read and review all posts here. Funds locked by a smart contract and released by VoteCentral is an amazing idea.
Thanks for warning if that was to me. I was not aware that it might be considered as spam even if each of my posts was replying to a different previous post.
And thanks for the confirmation about reading and reviewing the posts by Devs. Hope that the idea about locking of funds by a smart contract will be discussed on the Devs side. It would be the first real benefit of the serious discussion I was asking for.
Thank you for your point regarding blockchain notarization. It made me start a little bit of googling. The results brought me some answers, but also some questions. In the results of a simple search for "blockchain notarization", I did not see anything about DeepVault. So I have to ask, why the DeepVault website is not optimized for Google search, especially when this feature is presented to us as important and maybe even unique?
That's because we were solely depended on domination task and the votecentral task which never was including such task or possible to do that in such way. SEO optimization was the first thing we had to do for bringing real users.
Moreover, within the first 3 pages of results, I found several online services offering blockchain notarization such as codenotary.io, notarised.io, notary.bitcoin.com or stampd.io which even offers various blockchains such as BTC, BCH or DASH. So my second question is, why would someone use DeepVault when there are these services?
Are all these kind of centralize service providor? I have no idea but it more sounds like centralize service providor. Anyway, if they are not, DeepVault motto was kind of deceptive.
Regarding the airdrop, I think that doesn't make any sense. It will just help the big whale to dump their bag.
Yes, SEO optimization is absolutely crucial. Not sure about the technical background of the notary services I mentioned. Did not have enough time for a deep check. Hope that this kind of market research was performed by the Dev team. I was just doing a simple Google search, same as an average user interested in this topic would do.
And if DeepVault should have any chance to be successful, it has not only to appear on the first page of the results, but the related marketing must also very clearly explain its advantages over similar services in a way understandable to non-tech users. I really hope that there is any substantial advantage on the DeepVault side.
And to BossBee, I think you can continue with your time allocation to this thread, there are obviously more people involved