from DeepOnion lead dev
Technical Aspect On How DeepOnion Blockchain Is Guaranteed By The Bitcoin BlockchainSince we announced this new feature, many people liked it, but there are also some skepticism. As many people (even some self-pretend "experts") don't understand how this is done, and how this is possible. So as the lead dev of DeepOnion, I will explain the technical aspect of how this works.
In order to do this, first we need to compute the SHA256 hash of our blockchain to certain height. Each block has its hash, which is the result of all tx and other params in the block, it is called the merkle root hash of the block. (Merkle tree - Wikipedia)
We started from block 1, get its hash, then we go to block 2, get its hash and combine with block 1's hash, etc, until we get to the predefined height. This height is the very recent height we will use. For the last registration with BTC blockchain, we used block 543950 as our last block. All the hashes are combined, and a combined SHA256 hash is then computed, and we get the hash of our blockchain from block 1 to block 543950. This hash is determined as db2b4c6d31844020af9ef4eb9253692efd65f35be85859f73ab7e4b41436eabe.
If any data in any block changed, the merkle root hash of that block will change, this will result in the combined hash change. Thus when a DeepOnion wallet load the blockchain, we can compute the block hash up to block 543950, and compare the hash with the above mentioned hash, if it matches, then the loaded blockchain is authentic (up to block 543950).
So far there's no Bitcoin blockchain involved. Why we get Bitcoin blockchain involved? because we want be sure that this hash (db2b4c6d31844020af9ef4eb9253692efd65f35be85859f73ab7e4b41436eabe) can not be changed. If tomorrow, someone created a forked chain, and generated a hash, and say his hash is the correct one, how can you prove which is the right one? For this we register the correct hash into the Bitcoin blockchain, which is the most secure immutable database in the world.
How do we do this? Well I won't go into details, but we can register this hash db2b4c6d31844020af9ef4eb9253692efd65f35be85859f73ab7e4b41436eabe into the Bitcoin blockchain. And I did it, the registration tx on Bitcoin blockchain is ba839a3a2d7c9e5a80cc891195e0518c37cded079c6ea8a8ce826b002d4c954e. It is here: (Bitcoin Transaction ba839a3a2d7c9e5a80cc891195e0518c37cded079c6ea8a8ce826b002d4c954e)
It is in Bitcoin blockchain at Block 523352. And I can prove that this tx is derived from the hash of DeepOnion Block 1-543950, which is db2b4c6d31844020af9ef4eb9253692efd65f35be85859f73ab7e4b41436eabe.
I will not go to details how I can prove that, those who have good knowledge of blockchain tech should already know how I do it. Therefore, now I just need to put these info in our wallet code, as you can verify the correctness of our blockchain hash in the Bitcoin blockchain. This is what you see if your blockchain is authentic: this in mind why can't they just see that our devs are very serious when it comes to the security of our hard earned success. They just wanted the best for their child (DeepOnion), even other parents will do the same. I myself is doing my part not just by waiting but by acting and taking part to be a Vip to promote Deeponion in a very professional manner. So guys let's do something about OUR project not just the wishing to the HOLY MOON to come to us.