Oh really? You lure the forum and now you are enlighted?
How about you stick your head out from the propaganda and see the brighter picture. Those exchanges we have been added are further no name exchanges without significant volume. Every exchange underneath kucoin is worthless. Let it be thousands exchanges and multiply them by zero volume, what do you get? Zero.
I have been arround the coin since it came out and joined the airdrop since the rules got losen up for more people to join so please dont try to lecture me on this subject. I have been arround this coin much more than you and most of the mods out there. I have seen enough going the wrong path like other people who left to know whats going on.
Are you really that ignorant to think all tier 1 exchanges started out as tier 1 exchanges?
Other Tier 1 drop off face of planet.... Poloniex?
Are you really ignorant to think that many exchanges will reach the top? There is no room for more exchanges on the first place.
Many of those exchanges wont see the even the light from the top. There are plenty exchanges wich have been etablished and proven to be tier1 and they will stay there. The aim should be to reach for exchanges in the top30. No need to gather some noname which doesnt help in any way.
Can you not think of markets just like coins?
The top 30 shifts ALL the time. For both markets and coins. Not only that markets get
SHUT DOWN What happens if BITTREX gets shut down because its US-Based? Coinbase? GDax..ETC?
Last years top 50 coins is
AT LEAST 80% different than the year before, same for markets. You cannot predict the future, but you SHOULD know the future with onion is bright regardless because of our technology. I personally have 0 doubts.
Newer markets with better rates/fees/options etc can push others out of the way. CryptalDash is not only an exchange but a cross exchange decentralized platform that has its own token and masternodes set to run the exchange.
Exchanges can be just as innovative as coins and push others to the bottom. In a few years bittrex, binance..etc could be no name exchanges.
Think of the long term picture rather than a short term goal to BOOST our price immediately, again unless your just looking to cash out.
We will get tier1's soon enough.