They have great professional skills if you speak to them properly.
You get in return what you give. Speak profesionally and you will be returned with the same regard.
I have many conversations with Vokain, Vaas, Deeper all personal chats with 0 issues.. They are all very reasonable if you speak to them with the proper tone. When you jump down with their throats with "this is bullshit"...etc of course they are going to treat you with the same respect.
Did your mothers not teach you anything? Treat those how you wish to be treated. Enjoy your new project Catziel unfortunately you will not be missed nor rembered after some time.
Yes you are right, and others people did not really leave maybe they just finding other options to gain more profit then after sometime and onions rise again I am sure all of them will return again. I am still keep believing in DO project.
I was banned for "constant fud" because I voiced that DeepOnion has a communication problem. I have remained a dedicated supporter of Onion because im hopeful something changes. We have a systematic censorship problem that starts with Deeper and trickles down to our mods. People should be free to voice their disagreement with the project without being labeled a "fudster" or "disloyal". Our mods should speak out as well. Prior to Crypto_Vokain being a mod he spoke out but now it seems the mods toe Deeper's line.
Thats what i always said, they cant take any critic. They are too sensitive to see some points objective, for example crypto_vokain, he could not stand the fact that his videostreams are of poor quality and no one except a handfull of people want to join his livestreams. He talks some rubbish about supporting the community but insists on getting paid for such poor quality content, neither has he the viewers to make the payment legitime. If he would be able to get the critic, he would know that the payment for only a bunch of viewers is not legitimate at all. He only has about 100 viewers per livestream, but he still dont want to selfreflect how unnecessary those streams are, instead he loves to bash other people and ask why we dont do any productive. But i can tell you that not taking onions out of the devfund for such livestreams is much better than emptying the devfund with those actions. He couldnt even stand the fact that his streams were a big NO to the comunity, he had to make a "final countdown" thread in the forum to show his agony to the whole comunity, like if someone cared at all... Instead of taking it like a mod and asking the comunity whats wrong with the streams and how to improve it so he would be voted YES to do them, but no he cries like a baby instead and mock on people who disagree with him.
The constant censorship in the comunity is also toxic, people should be free to discuss and get some legitime answers. Also the childish behaviour of some mods in telegram is not acceptable. They have been choosen as mods to support the community and not to mock it constantly if someone asks uncomfortable questions. What do they think? To ban every single member, so even the loyal ones get disgusted about their behaviour so they leave ?
There should be a proposal to vote in votecentral for or against the current mods. I feel that many members would vote against some mods, this should be like in politics, we should be able to vote for some people being a mod or not.
Atleast CV try's. I wasn't trying to bash CV in my post, I was just making an observation about our mods being "yes men". I think you are unnecessarily targeting CV tbh because other than his questionable support for Bitconnect he seemed like a legit guy. It could be that I missed something since I was banned from the DeepOnion forums but I never thought CV's proposals were any less legitimate than the average. The only really bad proposal imo was for our public hero. I will never understand how that passed.
Censorship is a huge problem no doubt about it.
If you have been around DeepOnion since september or earlier (which most of you have not), so you will realize there has been the same exact "fud" spread over and over and over. Yet the project pushed on, many core members left along the way. Things and people shift, rules change, we prevail and dominate. We will not only reach out ATH again but crush it in the future.
Its a broken record now.
Move on be done please.
I've been here since September and that's not a true assessment. fuders were always outsiders, e.g. Mack. Some core members left after the airdrop but they didn't even fud when they left. They left quietly (except for maybe the guy that drafted the whitepaper but he didn't even raise a big stink). Once they left, our community became unnecessarily hostile towards them. What's happening now is different. Hodlers are being told to leave because they offer the slightest criticism of the Project's communication.
I woudln't think its the because of "
slight criticism"
I have seen many appalling messages in chats all due to last Sundays "mishap"
Again I've HAD
MANY PERSONAL CHATS with Vass, Deeper, Cobaro Alphacoco, Vokain... some cointained VERY HARSH WORDS. Others were completely professional.
They respond appropriately.
Holders are being told leave and VIPs forced because they have abandoned for other projects. Rewards shifted and now they feel they can earn more money elsewhere easy.
If you were in the Dev teams shoes you would be feel abandoned and scammed. Harsh words should be expected in return my opinon to those deserving of them. They feel lied cheated and scammed by many people.
A holder is anyone above 50 onion, nothing more. When they straight up talk like animals they will be treated as such.