DeepVault A unique notary verification application allowing file security & copyrighting of uploaded documents. Some of the great specs are latest Tor OBFS4 & Meek protocols giving Stealthed IP and is untracable and cannot be blocked plus Stealth Addresses aka DeepProtocol is now active. DeepONion has a 100% decentralised community whom take the lead via a dedicated system VoteCentral with a 3 million onion development fund to implement other blockchain technology and makes DeepOnion a true DAO. Soon a hybrid Ring Signature / CoinJoin transaction privacy feature DeepSend will will provide the ultimate level in anonymity. There's also cool merch for all ages & physical coins will be available on the forum soon. Its a very active community of over 13,000 friendly members from all around the world with committed dev team & mods and even has its own rap songs. There's always many interesting and exciting developments & news on the forum