No reason to upgrade if you don't plan too stake or move coins. Just upgrade the next time you need too move coins.
it's a mandatory update but as long as you have your private key(s) your are fine. If you don't plan to send coins and you're not staking them you don't have to update anything. Every wallet works this way.
Anyway, for all the others: Update your wallet guys!
His question was whether he should update if he plans to hold only, the answer is no. Not everyone is able to stay on date with all the update we have.
Devs: This is a mandatory upgrade.
JJack@: ok
JJack@: Thanks, it took 2 minutes and my coins are now safer!
Just upgraded my wallet to the latest version, it's working perfectly.
I hope this is the last wallet upgrade for a while. I'm getting exhausted from all of the (mostly) upgrades.