Introducing DeepOnion DeepSendDid you know the fact that bitcoin coin transfers are visible to some unwanted parties?
This can cause a headache for you. To solve this problem, many insecure and centralized mixer services started to appear online and they can cost you money and put you at risk.
Despite all the risk some of the privacy-sensitive users already using these insecure and inconvenient mixer services because there is no better option.
A DeepSend transaction can help you prepare for the worst.
If you ever need to send someone money anonymously, DeepSend will allow you to make a completely private transaction in less than 2 minutes with guaranteed security.
Here DeepOnion dev team brought the solution: DeepSend
Now with DeepSend, you can make unstoppable and secure transfers hidden from the blockchain.
DeepSend is an advanced decentralized trust-less system and we make private transactions easy. You can create a safe and private transaction with little effort.
Boost Your Transfer Security with DeepOnion DeepSend today and become the Edward Snowden of blockchain with the all-new DeepSend privacy feature.
Click Below
When sending ONION select DeepSend option in the wallet.
If you have questions concerns you can open a support ticket at
DeepOnion Wallet With DeepSend FeatureVersion 2.1.0 includes many features updates, including:- Deepsend which uses trustless multisig technology to hide transaction traces and provide privacy and anonymity.
- Automatic version check button to ensure your wallet is the latest available.
- Improved and faster deepvault feature.
- Latest checkpoints on the blockchain and the deeponion itself blockchain signature up to block 1614800 is registered with Bitcoin blockchain, which ensures further the security of our blockchain.
- Misc bug fixes.
This version is not mandatory upgrade, it is compatible with previous versions. However you are strongly recommended to upgrade to take advantage of the latest features and make the wallet more secure.
From this point on, the legacy version (v1) will no longer be supported by the dev team.
DeepOnion-qt-2.1.0-DV.exe is registered on the DeepOnion Blockchain! Verify with address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
Virus-scan Reports (on QT file), v2.1.0.0-c45c47b3b (DV): (VirusTotal)
You can download prebuilt versions here. QtOnly zip contains only the Qt Wallet client, while Full zip includes also the cli, tx, daemon executables.
DeepVault Full Windows QT only DeepVault Version without DV Guide (DeepSend Guide | DeepOnion Forum)
The 5 ONION limit is temporary to prevent coin loss due to undiscovered bugs.
If you want to be DeepSend node (to be a mixer or guarantor)
You can add conf file this and restart wallet
after adding new directive to conf file, any wallet satisfying the DeepSend conditions (a. at least 2 wallet addresses, b. >= 15 ONIONs in balance and c. your wallet is unlocked for DeepSend), can participate as the service nodes in DeepSend network.