- Electrum Wallet compatability proposalf or HW Wallet: AWESOME. Voted Yes.
- Updated Desktop wallet appearance with Light and Dark Mode: Also Awesome. maybe not urgent but still a wanted update imo. Voted Yes
- DeepProtocol and DeepVault reduced fee hard Fork coming at block 540'000. AWESOME
I hope there will a marketing campaign regarding the desktop wallet update and the Elecrtum Wallet so that there is time to build up some hype and interest.
Like the Stealth Addresses now have been hinted at and now that it arrives it is almost "forgotten" in the crypto community. I think teh marketing team could have hyped this up a bit and announced that something was coming this week (a few weeks ago) building up the tension. It would have brought up the interest I think. I think they are learning and will do this for the future