After crosschecking the transaction ID for this round, you both recieve an extra amount of 0.00160650 btc for Round 125 kindly return the exact amount to the rightful owners in the person of;
@Vishnu.Reang 3KakYMjfxrgPe5DxZAiBeysT2oJs7SAjJH
Hey, there's no problem
I already sent the amount for user above: Vishnu.Reang
This is the tx: b9ea5a0a7d2a5ebec0b568113796c4253d921ef9ae400514d1e16c32d9859fbb
Estimate time to delivery: 4 blocks
Thank you for the payment lightlord and CryptopreneurBrainboss, I'm pretty happy this campaign is still running strong and I'm part of it.