if they get 10M bucks for marketing, it will not be a failure, even sh** product can become trendy with a lot of money. twitter had 80M bucks investment and they could bring well-known people who can gather many followers.
beside it, bazaar is similar to django project, it is made that people must pay to get normal functional django website. similar like joomla and "pay to get more than just the core". django never became popular, people are not python programmers and they will not pay 100 times to some developers to do some task. django is good for rich customers, not for ordinary people, and many "internet people/generation" are young, without salary.
I checked background of the bazaar team, so,
Brian Hoffman, Founder OpenBazaar worked at booz allen hamilton,
it is the nsa company.
spies promise to us: open source means there is no spying backdoor and "accidentally" we can help to the cops to find you out (your IP). and "we don't give backdoor secretly to the fbi, we are not like tor developers"
but hey, the cops hunt people even for avoiding taxes, not only for drugs. so, if you sell something legal and you don't pay the tax, bazaar team can't abolish your shop, but they can help to the cops to arrest you... ehhhh, spies are always good for the gov.