I have order several item until now. I am interest in hand made products or food products like honey, wine etc. The last item i have buy was a great hat for kids a gift for my nephew from USA
. General the prices are good but i like to see more shops in the future.
I think open bazaar has a great start and i see many shops add every day.
Totally agree, this is why i think OB will not affect ebay or amazon too much
but it will affect sites like Etsy
as OB makes it cost effective for small buisness or people working from home to advertise their products
people who just want cheap cheap, will always look to ebay or amazon for the after care as they cannot afford for something to go wrong after
(i have always said, when selling on ebay for years, ebay buyers usually cannot afford to buy the item they want, thats why they use ebay, looking for a cheaper price)
a lot of sellers of handmade goods i can see using OB, Etsy has a huge member base, but it bans sellers for no reason what so ever, and refuses to re-open accounts once banned, you read many nightmare stories about Etsy, where people have started off as a hobby, then they got good sales on etsy, so to keep up with demand they quit work and focus on Etsy, only for Etsy to ban account a few months down the line without reason leaving them without a paddle. OB elimates such cases so i feel many independant artisans will soon be on OB.
Right now OB needs better seach/filters, but its early days so everything will be done later once they have content to sort.
i do hate the unessicery hashtags though in search and tags, just why..................