This is an open source quad spartan-6 LX150 board designed by The Seven and myself in collaboration.
Since it was completed way behind schedule we didn't see much point in releasing this version.
However some people kept asking for open source boards recently so we figured why not.
Version 1.0 has been manufactured and tested, but rev 2.1 has not. The differences are however minor.
The software is not very complete nor user friendly at the moment but The Seven has been mining with this board for a while now.
The plan is to make a 28nm version of the P7 platform where the software will include support for the LX150 version as well.
We will try to give as much support as possible through this forum and IRC, but the files are delivered as
is with no warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk.
Read the txt file included for more information.
download link:!PcNlnBKJ!PN44_C7M2L0aiEd8BxyZNEbpGtJoytkXHbfSBkTAdFQ