First of all, we dont encourage any kind of spam and we always replace team members that are reported too often. Also we have a team that rate every campaign member english posts and everyone that dont reach a minimum of 5 in their rating receive a private message to discuss about it. If they keep the same behaviour then the user gets a warning point in our private spreadsheet. Once they reach 5 warnings they are out. Also every 3 months we replace members that dont stick to campaign rules or have a 5 or lower rating.
A team from Stake is rating the posts of your participants and discussing with them??
Why it is not written anywhere in your announcement and in the thread? Wow it's even more shady than I thought. You're obviously not paying your participants(with very low payrates) to display your signature, but to spam the content you want like your employees actually. I don't think it's allowed by the forum rules, and it's very dubious to not mention it anywhere...
Secondly, about payments, I dont know how most all of you decide which campaign you are getting in but I, personally, would rather pick a campaign from a site that is trustworth than joining any campaign that pays more since, once you are inside the cryptoworld, all you have is your nickname so I would, definitely, not risk it by promoting any unknown site that could end up being scam.. but, again, this is me.
Not to mention that many of our campaign members are with us since the campaign was open, almost 1 and half year ago, yet they never did complain about the payrates.
You took one week to reply to the comments on your thread and not one single
participantemployee of your campaign has come to defend you and your campaign. None of them bothered to contradict our comments and to testify they're well paid (and managed), and your campaign is fair, clean and transparent without any spam...
Third, just as @yahoo62278 said, a reportable post doesnt depend in the signature you wear but in your quality post so I dont see any need of turning our spreadsheet public for everyone who wants to see it. The campaign members can see and its enough for us.
If you want to see our spreadsheet you can always rank up and apply to join the campaign. If you get accepted you will be able to see it at anytime you want.
It's very funny but could you reply seriously and explain us why you hide your spreadsheet unlike all other campaigns and don't even post the name of your bonus winners? It's a common standard, if you don't respect it, you're shady. Stake has already spammed the forum, you should be more transparent than the other campaigns now, instead of being more shady and stinky.
Excuse me? Did you read the "best quality posters" part? It is not referring to "most posters".. you should really read well the things before dropping such a unneeded comment here mate
I read what you've written, I didn't invent it "
The more you post, the higher your chances." it's in accordance with your payrates "Up to 25 posts: $1.75 per post, From 26 posts on: $0.50 per post" till $100.