There is a list with the final payments, which will be sent still today:
USD BTC Stake Username
$37,50 0,00068807 cozytrade2013
$37,50 0,00068807 bitvalak
$37,50 0,00068807 steviewilly
$37,50 0,00068807 bbigtart
$37,50 0,00068807 Rufsilf
$36,00 0,00066055 Godday4450
$37,50 0,00068807 tbterryboy
$37,50 0,00068807 wakier696
$37,50 0,00068807 LorencexD
$37,50 0,00068807 ivugeoiv
$37,50 0,00068807 Renampun
$37,50 0,00068807 elevates
$37,50 0,00068807 kojekteaa
$37,50 0,00068807 stakingterryey
$37,50 0,00068807 theriseee
$37,50 0,00068807 zaim7413
$37,50 0,00068807 6LeafClover
$37,50 0,00068807 didrox2
$37,50 0,00068807 gabbbie2010
$18,00 0,00033028 Code200
$37,50 0,00068807 jaricaptcha
$37,50 0,00068807 fzkto
$37,50 0,00068807 SpikerBCT
$37,50 0,00068807 Pesona1