Recently some fascists on the forums have started a movement to basically try and centralize crypto currency, some of them even suggested forming a body to decide which alt coins would be allowed and how they should be handled (central bank anyone?) this is obviously against the principal of crypto currency. Operation "Shitcoin Cleanout" as their calling it was started by user muddafudda and suprisingly has support by some prominent members in the community but I'm sure theirs many members against this fascist movement.
These people obviously want to destroy the free market that is crypto currency by harassing developers and ordinary people by very questionable means. They plan to go arround forking and hacking coins that they disagree with and to damage other coins all the while conveniently increasing the holdings of their own coins, so these sneaky fascists have financial incentive to carry out these tasks.
If you want to keep Crypto Currency deregulated and let the free market decide which cryptos should prosper join Operation Liberation.
your a clueless foolish little noob and i can school your stupid nub ass ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day long sweetheart.
stop lying and making shit up about "us" ..for starters
answer me this.. what do you think about Bitcoin-Scrypt ?
i fucking god damn dare you to answer that question, if you have the balls.
I fucking god damn dare you to re-learn how to make a sentence. If you have some books.
i couldn't care less what you think.. i know you understand what i mean so your obviously reaching hard to find some way to mouth me off and that was your best ?
as ALWAYS you fools with no debate skills ignore addressing any assertion i have made and skip to insulting me personally making what i say far more credible in the process.
Why don''t you just shit in your hand and fling it at me.. that is what you come across like to me lol (if you not in my league then sit down and shut up please)
Grammar Nazi's can kiss my ass.. i LOL at them all day long and then mispell more just to piss them off even more
anyway, i had some rather interesting Trivia if that kid had the balls to answer me.. she didn't of course, just another mouthy sow.
Guess who got Bitcoin Scypt UN-Banned here at Bitcointalk last year expert/noobs that just got here ?
Yes that's right it was ""Facist"" BitcoinEXpress LOL
Yup it's true the guy your claiming is stealing your freedom (to spread scams) actually created a topic here last year that asked staff to reconsider allowing talk of that coin etc.
And he was convincing enough that staff in response unbanned Bitcoin-Scypt.. So you see noobs we ARE fighting for freedom and that's is what you guys don't get..
None of us are saying hey we need a centralized strict system in place or something we're just saying that shits got out of hand..
Spout of about freedom ? like i said before you guys sound like NAMBLA members demanding they have the right to diddle little children.
I disagree i don't think they have the right to screw little kids,
nor do i think you guys have the right to prey on noobs that come here by suckering them in with Pyramid schemes..
or ruining the whole scene making my Bitcoin worth less Right Now and maybe even killing the scene down the road.
Hey punk... YOU form a sentence
Your one liner attack on me personally is a diversion tactic game to avoid addressing the issue(s) i have taken the time to be articulate about.
maybe stick to posting meme.jpg's as a way to commincate kid
oops i shouldn't have said that now you simpletons are going to start doing it hahha
I noticed when i mentioned on the other topic you dipshits are bumping the attack topic
you quickly made a bunch of opposing topics lol (you moron brats are dumb and can't think for your selves)