corporates do not provide higher value, there is allways same scheme, lower price is tool to take out competitors,
Are you kidding me? People prefer Wallmart/Meijers etc because they provide better value and choices for their money at the convenience of not driving around for different products or brands. Its more effecient and cheaper.
It's not more efficient and cheaper, and yes you are right, people are sheeps. The word "prefer" is applicable only if there are dozen of Wallmarts, but there are only few, with entirely comparable same crap.
corporates do not care about customers satisfaction
Ya, because the customers have no choice and are forced to use the "corporate" products, even when they are not happy with them. That makes complete sense. Can you name one single product that people hate and still buy please?
Exactly, customers are forced to use corporate chains, finaly you got it. Small business went to bankrupcy because of price dumping and sheepy customers mind, hence since the moment you have no choice (a basic logic) Goods from small business are far different from crap in corporate, you cant choose between quality goods and crap, you have only crap choice. And compare "go shop because they have what you want" with "go shop because they have what you need/have to buy". Keep it in mind next time in store before you will make your "choice". And no I will not name any product what people hate and still buy, because i did not mentioned anything like this.
they do not supply needs
What do you mean they do not supply needs? Why on earth would someone go to a shop and pay for something he doesnt need? Where on earth is your sense of accountability? If I went and bought something I don't need, why is the "corporate" manufacturer to blame for my irrationality and not me?
correct, wrong word:they do not saturate needs, open some wiki to find out what does it mean
they do money mining and everything is set up to this rule
Ya so?
You want them to make shit for free?
Can you point for me where did I say that?
Profit is the single most powerful factor in getting a product manufactured in the most economical way possible.
Anyway you missed again, as you split whole sentece in separate parts so you lost point. It calls money flow, in corporate business, domination is used to swap functions of martket, where customers are used to serve to corporate instead of oposite. So people are used to keep money flow, where satisfaction is very last thing. Does not matter, absolutely, what is subject of trade/sell, the very only important thing is to keep money flow.
when control of market reach significant number, price is going up back and reliability fall, despite of wages are going down and unemployment rise
Like seriously man.... what is this? It looks like you are regurgitating some brainwash someone vaguely told you about "corporates" being evil vampires and the cause of all of the country's misery! Unemployment is what happens when you artificially regulate someone's worth to a company... aka Government forcing companies to pay a minimum wage and not rely on the market to decide.
Epic fail again. 70% of goods are crap from china, you lost 25% of jobs. 30% of goods are manufactured in mass-production concentrated in big chains, you lost 20% of jobs. Retail is cleaned by dumping (wich is illegal in some countries) and you lost another 10%. Now you have 35% unemployment and situation is ready to cut off wages, coz there is overloaded demand for jobs..
do some research
LOL.... uh huh!
look kid, you have rethoric on basic school level, you are making conclusions from presumptions. Your presuptions are wishes. You cant point difference between impulses, reactions and consequences. I cant spend time to explain absolute basics of relationship. Really do some research. There are tons of tons of informations out there on internet why corporate is cancer. Just educate yourself. Anyway I appreciate your efford, go jump in to internet and with same effort find some information, before you try to convice somebody who is maybe twice older than you and who has experiences wich is even not became part of your dreams. Go and talk to people, ask them, go outside of your life based on traveling between shopping centers, you will find out that real life is far different than your beloved corporate world.