Well, offering them for sale is one way to establish a local trading network. Knowing who will buy and/or sell bitcoins locally is often something that opens doors in the future. There currently aren't any sellers listed.
- https://localbitcoins.com/country/zw
Though this could be offered through Craigslist as well.
There may be even international trades. For instance, maybe a person in Zimbabwe has a relative in Kenya and wishes to send money (where a trader in Kenya will distribute schillings in exchange for bitcoins received). Bitcoins can be used to enable that transaction. Here's a site to help make the introductions:
- http://bitcoins.co.ke
Additionally, there might be people that would like to earn bitcoins. So those coins could be used as the compensation method for performing tasks. Because of the difficulty in obtaining bitcoins, sometimes you can find very qualified people willing to provide work at below market rates simply because bitcoins are the form of compensation earned.