Might be a false positive, but why should I believe otherwise?....
---->Avast flagged this wallet after analysis as a threat. It does not flag ANY other wallets I've downloaded, regardless of how shady they or their developers appeared.
I ran a test with virustotal, and avast gives me 0 flags.
You can scan it yourself. Maybe the in-wallet miner gives you this false positive like many wallets using 'setgenerate', please share some details about the flag.
It's giving me: Dyna:BitCoinMiner-CR [PUP] || mul
Very well may be false positive, but as I said before I've not had a warning with any other wallet in this environment and there's 15+ installed just for the lulz.
Also, explain to us what is so great about OPES over Argon2Coin? Better name? Better logo? Any plans or just a carbon copy of their code?
Sounds like a false positive. If you have doubts, feel free to compile the source and run the same test.
That is afterall, the purpose of opensource code.
We're not here to compare coins against each other. The Argon2 algorithm is great since it's very new and minable by the larger crowd without high investements.
Our name, logo, plans, team differ from each other, of course. But now, let's focus on mining so we can have a fair distribution amongst miners.
The rest will become Obvious in a couple of weeks. This is not a competition between 2 coins.
Of course our team members are in trollboxes to gain users