It is possible it might work fine for long term "market making" style trading, my "huge columns of buy and sell offers" strategy.
But I have not actually tried that; BTC/XLM is my first venture into using that strategy on a relatively high-volume pair.
I chose BTC/XLM for my first such venture not only because I already hold both as buy-sides for other things but also because I noticed it was a relatively volatile pair that once I have it set up looks like it will seldom or ever have even a day during which it does not vary enough to "take" at least one of my buy or sell offers and actually fairly frequently has not only been taking more than one offer but taking from both my sell column and my buy column.
I never even look how LiTeCoin is doing in BTC/LTC, but if it varies decently (aka is volatile) there is probably no reason it wouldn't work.
But you'd be investing in that trading, not in long term value of litecoin, which as pointed out above is miserable compared to bitcoin.
Pretty much anything is miserable long term vs bitcoin, which is part of why my strategy, applying it to pairs against bitcoin, has historically worked so well for me.
Basically I am not planning on my sell-side coin having better growth of value than bitcoin but, rather, my buy-side column of offers in the pair, at least twice as "dense" as my sell side column of offers (especially toward the bottom) being an accumulator I can "thin out a little" from time to time to cash out some of the bitcoin.
Historically over more than a decade the result has been ongoing income varying from year to year as my coins get more and more lost in the ocean of alternatives all splitting the potential audience/customer-base among them diluting them all, and ever-growing stockpiles (some say "bags") of the sell-side coin, which is good for my
Galactic Milieu game since it likes and needs "bags" of stuff to build up its repertoire of assets to play with. By means of its "treasuries" system whereby it can calculate relative values without having to depend upon the massively inefficient spot markets it finds good use for lots of ancient coins, though LiTeCoin like DOGE is one it avoids for philosophical reasons (it uses the two original scrypt coins so never really had much if any use for LiTeCoin even though it does display it for comparison purposes in its
Latest Rates include file along with BTC and NMC as example "not treasuries-based" assets).
Basically the strategy can let me earn a bit more than I could just plain holding the bitcoins, and historically has done so well enough that all the many exchanges flying by night and claiming to have been hacked and so on have just been a cost of doing business leaving oodles of profit even after taking their bites out of the profits, earning me income-in-bitcoins while also building up stockpiles of assets for use in the game, so for me it has been a great strategy, very successful over very long term.
Due to the way the sheer volume of trade in many/most of the game assets has been diluted year by year I only last year began trying it on a higher volume aka more popular pair, which isn't actually as fast moving as my now-unpopular ones were way back when there were only 30 to 100 or less crypto assets in existence to choose from thus way way way less dilution.
With my BTC/XLM pair it worked well last year but not fast enough for me to build its buy-side (the bitcoin side) all the way down, so when the price of XLM in BiTCoins tanked it fell off the bottom of my buy side offers column leaving me "out in the cold" until hmm I think about a month or so ago now maybe a tad longer, when price of XLM finally climbed back up to reach the bottom of my sell offers column, which I had not been able to follow price downward with during the tank due to the bottom of my column of buy offers having been eaten up the price continuing lower below where I had buy offers in place from which to continue making new sell offers following the tanking downward.
BTC/LTC might work well enough, I just am not interested in LTC. Not sure what my next spreading out into high volume high volatility pairs will end up being but LTC is just not really of interest to me I'd be looking at other options even if in reality BTC/LTC turns out actually to be a great candidate based on volume and volatility.
This last month or so of my BTC/XLM being back in play has already let me complete my buy side column so next tanking will not leave me out in the cold, and to build the sell column a fair bit higher against the possibility of being left out in the cold in the upwards direction, so I am almost ready to start using the strategy's tendency to build "bags" of the sell side to enable feeding the buy-sides of my assets on the Stellar platform with growing amounts of XLM which will ultimately benefit all the assets the game has on Stellar.
EDIT: I guess for this strategy the question would be whether LiTeCoin is a coin you have a good use for "bags" of in your overall plans...