The site says you can advertise so I deposited a little more, bought a couple upgrades and set up an ad for an absolutely great mining site that I highly recommend as I have a lot of hash power and receive payouts Saturday night like clockwork! For months now! I recommend if you are looking to do some mining check out as you will not be disappointed! They have the lowest rates around and great support let alone tons of people mining there.
I bet ore-mine goes the way of the cows and other similar scam sites that look to be promoted by the same developer...I don't know there is any connection nor saying they are connected to ore-mine.
So now I am stuck as the withdraw fee for ore-mine is a whopping .0005!
Heck you get 10 FREE withdraws a day at and you can even set your hashing power to mine more hash and grow your hash rate constantly!
Good luck y'all and feel free to PM me with any questions.
Why are you lying here. Ore-mine has absolutely nothing to do with other sites. The owners are not connected with any other games or sites.
Besides, you are trying to advertise here your sites (which are probably scam). PBMining is seems a hyip site. I would not recommend to trust them.