how to claim your faucet i only see social links
? bad joke ??
Felicita, after sharing the faucet, the claim button will be revealed.
Hello, I tried to share your faucet in order to get the claim button appear but somehow I think there is a mistake on the script you made there ... could you double check, I tried 3 times just now and all failed
Thank you. You are right. There is a bug in the FACEBOOK Share button. It works just the first time/click (if your popups block is off).
The twitter share button is working fine.
I will fix the facebook button. Thanks.
To win your 10,000 satoshis you need to complete
the easy steps bellow:
1. First, sign up at through this link: SIGN UP!
2. After, submit your Bitcoin Address bellow:
Bitcoin Address
Promotion valid only for new signers.
The 10,000 satoshis will be sent to your
FaucetBox within 48 this is not a free 10.000satosi
i must registerd freebitcoin under your referal id
Well... It is an fair exchange. You don't need to give us nothing for the 10,000 reward.
A registrantion action is very simples, fast and have no costs for you.