The orders on Nicehach today were INSANE, many groups on FB/Telegram were talking about it, someone posted a screenshot and I thought it was a glitch or something, when I checked , found it was real! to double-check I went ahead and looked at the order book on Nicehash.
I want to hear your thoughts ( I have a few that I will share later) on why would someone pay 0.0906
BTC per PH/day? let's run the numbers in USD to make it a bit easier to understand.
BTC a day = 650$ for 90PH he pays $58,500 to make 1.55
BTC or $11,100 a day, that's a $47,400 loss per day or about $2000 an hour, why would anyone on planet earth pay 5 times what they can make? and by the way, this explains the crazy high payout from NH today.