It's not either a neat idea or a great idea. It's not even an idea. It's fucking stupid, and that's all it is. This is the exact sort of nonsense GLBSE embodied, except it's a little late to the party. "Oh, there's this cool thing other people do, let's you buy me one of the retail items those other people market and we call it a company". What, maybe the cool of 3d printing brushes off on some random idiot that's not doing anything even vaguely related to it? (Yes dood, you're not "doing" 3d printing, you're doing GLBSE scamming, and six to eighteen months late to boot. 3d printing is just the angle, that's all. Yes, yes, I know, you didn't mean to. Guess what people who don't mean to do what they're doing are called.)
Garr: start here. Apparently you've made 2000 posts for no benefit whatsoever, you're mentally below the average noob. Try reading 2000 posts instead, maybe that works better. "Soaring upwards" a horse's arse pfff.
And if any of the BTCT "moderator"-idiots wish to explain yourselves, here's open mic. Start with "I approved this so called security because I am an idiot and I was confused by..." and fill in the blanks. What's next, a "security" to buy PMBs and "invest" the "dividends" into lottery tickets? A "security" to make clay mugs? Or let me guess, those were taken already.
Heads, people. Heads are for thinking with. Try it sometime.
Let's not be hypocritical.
And does anyone agree with this guy?
Regardless (assuming the answer is a "no"), a new plan is on its way
Also, I spell out my projects very clearly, so investors/customers know exactly what they're getting into. I'm not forcing anyone to like it or me; I'm just generally polite and straight forward.