
Topic: Owner of IP address is a hacker and tried to hack my account (Read 7002 times)

copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
tl;dr: Never use secret question feature for an alternative login
1 - the account was not hacked, it was most likely sold back in March (I think) and was then fake hacked in September
2 - the fake hack did not even use the secret question, it involved using a link to reset the password of the account, of which was posted in the OP

My account was never sold. A breach in the forum database is what caused it I believe. I communicated privately through Theymos (I was not wardrick_hacked) to get it resolved. Unless my computer was infected, which is highly unlikely because nothing other than my Bitcoin profile was affected, then there was no way for the hacker to get my email in which they socially engineered the provider for and it was blank (I never used it for anything besides registering to this site and never logged back into it). Someone was intending to either sell my account when it was purchased or it was sold in that minimal time period because the hacker/user had shown no intentions to scam and was only using it for community purposes (discussion, investigating, leaving feedback, etc.). The hacker was definitely not a novice. Anyway, I am glad to have my account back Smiley
Ahhh, thanks for clearing that up. If your account was in fact breached because of when the forum was hacked then it was most likely TF who hacked your account.

Why TF and not someone else ?
Because he was most likely the person who had hacked the forum.

edit: I am not sure it was hacked though
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1043
#Free market
tl;dr: Never use secret question feature for an alternative login
1 - the account was not hacked, it was most likely sold back in March (I think) and was then fake hacked in September
2 - the fake hack did not even use the secret question, it involved using a link to reset the password of the account, of which was posted in the OP

My account was never sold. A breach in the forum database is what caused it I believe. I communicated privately through Theymos (I was not wardrick_hacked) to get it resolved. Unless my computer was infected, which is highly unlikely because nothing other than my Bitcoin profile was affected, then there was no way for the hacker to get my email in which they socially engineered the provider for and it was blank (I never used it for anything besides registering to this site and never logged back into it). Someone was intending to either sell my account when it was purchased or it was sold in that minimal time period because the hacker/user had shown no intentions to scam and was only using it for community purposes (discussion, investigating, leaving feedback, etc.). The hacker was definitely not a novice. Anyway, I am glad to have my account back Smiley
Ahhh, thanks for clearing that up. If your account was in fact breached because of when the forum was hacked then it was most likely TF who hacked your account.

Why TF and not someone else ?
copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
tl;dr: Never use secret question feature for an alternative login
1 - the account was not hacked, it was most likely sold back in March (I think) and was then fake hacked in September
2 - the fake hack did not even use the secret question, it involved using a link to reset the password of the account, of which was posted in the OP

My account was never sold. A breach in the forum database is what caused it I believe. I communicated privately through Theymos (I was not wardrick_hacked) to get it resolved. Unless my computer was infected, which is highly unlikely because nothing other than my Bitcoin profile was affected, then there was no way for the hacker to get my email in which they socially engineered the provider for and it was blank (I never used it for anything besides registering to this site and never logged back into it). Someone was intending to either sell my account when it was purchased or it was sold in that minimal time period because the hacker/user had shown no intentions to scam and was only using it for community purposes (discussion, investigating, leaving feedback, etc.). The hacker was definitely not a novice. Anyway, I am glad to have my account back Smiley
Ahhh, thanks for clearing that up. If your account was in fact breached because of when the forum was hacked then it was most likely TF who hacked your account.
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
tl;dr: Never use secret question feature for an alternative login
1 - the account was not hacked, it was most likely sold back in March (I think) and was then fake hacked in September
2 - the fake hack did not even use the secret question, it involved using a link to reset the password of the account, of which was posted in the OP

My account was never sold. A breach in the forum database is what caused it I believe. I communicated privately through Theymos (I was not wardrick_hacked) to get it resolved. Unless my computer was infected, which is highly unlikely because nothing other than my Bitcoin profile was affected, then there was no way for the hacker to get my email in which they socially engineered the provider for and it was blank (I never used it for anything besides registering to this site and never logged back into it). Someone was intending to either sell my account when it was purchased or it was sold in that minimal time period because the hacker/user had shown no intentions to scam and was only using it for community purposes (discussion, investigating, leaving feedback, etc.). The hacker was definitely not a novice. Anyway, I am glad to have my account back Smiley
copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
tl;dr: Never use secret question feature for an alternative login
1 - the account was not hacked, it was most likely sold back in March (I think) and was then fake hacked in September
2 - the fake hack did not even use the secret question, it involved using a link to reset the password of the account, of which was posted in the OP
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 502
tl;dr: Never use secret question feature for an alternative login
full member
Activity: 205
Merit: 100
Theymos had previously said that he locked his account so based on the fact that he is posting means that either theymos or BadBear got involved.

Cool story. But... Why is he only on BadBear's and your trust lists? Seems kinda odd to me.  Roll Eyes
That is a stupid question. Whose else trust list is he suppose to be on? The vast majority of people on DT are only on one person on Level 1 (of DT)'s trust list. He was never on any one else's trust list AFAIK

Why is it stupid that you trust some idiot who got hacked whom you don't even know? I'm asking about  your trust list here. Why do you trust a hacked account? I am suggesting you own it or sold it, that's all. ... Roll Eyes
copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
Theymos had previously said that he locked his account so based on the fact that he is posting means that either theymos or BadBear got involved.

Cool story. But... Why is he only on BadBear's and your trust lists? Seems kinda odd to me.  Roll Eyes
That is a stupid question. Whose else trust list is he suppose to be on? The vast majority of people on DT are only on one person on Level 1 (of DT)'s trust list. He was never on any one else's trust list AFAIK
full member
Activity: 205
Merit: 100
Theymos had previously said that he locked his account so based on the fact that he is posting means that either theymos or BadBear got involved.

Cool story. But... Why is he only on BadBear's and your trust lists? Seems kinda odd to me.  Roll Eyes
copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
Theymos had previously said that he locked his account so based on the fact that he is posting means that either theymos or BadBear got involved.
copper member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1007
probably the real/legitimate owner (whichever that is...) finally contacted theymos with the necessary proof to claim the account back.
full member
Activity: 205
Merit: 100
Hey look who's back -

And wow... cleaned up trust, still on default I see.

Hmm.. Did Somebody sell an account on DT lately? Tongue

Trust summary for Wardrick

This user's password was reset recently.
copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
Did you happen to keep a record of these ratings? They might be useful in determining who stole his account. I wouldn't be surprised if they left positive trust for themselves and/or negative trust for their enemies. I can't see why else someone would hack a DT account and keep it secret for so long, they knew any trust they left would be worthless if it came to light that the account had been hacked.

The Wardrick account left a negative trust rating for tspacepilot and Brad Harrison, left a neutral rating for turtlehurricane (although I believe that may have been removed prior to yesterday), and left a positive trust rating for tomatocage. I don't think the account was hacked though because the "real" owner would have likely come back to attempt to claim the account sometime between May and now, especially considering the amount of business it was conducting prior to May (assuming he wanted to remain on bitcointalk).

He also left to me a neutral trust rating and now it has been removed. The hack was only a poor skit and maybe you are right, his account was bought by someone who knows how the trust system works....
That is right, he did leave a neutral rating for you. This fact strengthens my suspicion as to who was behind that account.

I see that someone has created an account with the handle "wardrick_hacked" there any update regarding if there is evidence that this person might be the rightful owner of wardrick, and if so if his account will be returned to him?
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1043
#Free market
Now someone has created this account :

 -  (wardrick_hacked)

Let's see if he will be able to sign a message (to recover his forum account, if he is the real Wardrick).
full member
Activity: 364
Merit: 101
Low American hack,this is so funny.
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1043
#Free market
Did you happen to keep a record of these ratings? They might be useful in determining who stole his account. I wouldn't be surprised if they left positive trust for themselves and/or negative trust for their enemies. I can't see why else someone would hack a DT account and keep it secret for so long, they knew any trust they left would be worthless if it came to light that the account had been hacked.

The Wardrick account left a negative trust rating for tspacepilot and Brad Harrison, left a neutral rating for turtlehurricane (although I believe that may have been removed prior to yesterday), and left a positive trust rating for tomatocage. I don't think the account was hacked though because the "real" owner would have likely come back to attempt to claim the account sometime between May and now, especially considering the amount of business it was conducting prior to May (assuming he wanted to remain on bitcointalk).

He also left to me a neutral trust rating and now it has been removed. The hack was only a poor skit and maybe you are right, his account was bought by someone who knows how the trust system works....
copper member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
I suspect that Wardrick's account was compromised around May, though I'm not 100% sure. But I'm not hearing any evidence one way or another from anyone who previously owned the account, so I suppose the account will be locked for some time. Therefore, I removed Wardrick's recent sent trust ratings. He can rewrite them later if his account is ever restored.
By compromised, you mean sold right? Wardrick had made his intentions pretty clear on his last few posts before he went inactive for several months:

Unless he removes his feedback or is taken off the default trust list I have no interest in being a part of this forum. I have been very active off and on for over two years and have followed all the rules and I won't stand for injustice to be done to me and have it affect my account this way.
 I'm perfectly fine with leaving the forum because I'm not going to have this crap be done to me and nothing be done about it.
^^his last post prior to him going inactive for several months.

If you say that something happened to Wardrick's account in May then I would confidently say that it was sold; I can even say with a good amount of certainty who purchased it, based on what was posted in various threads (but I am not going to speculate about this) (it was not me). I would say the reason that the owner of Wardrick has not contacted you is likely because the (new) owner of Wardrick (probably, but maybe not) got a signed message transferring ownership, then has never posted another BTC address (or anything else that can be signed from) since then, which would make proving ownership very difficult.

Even if the above is incorrect, Wardrick had expressed a disconnect with bitcointalk and had mentioned his disinterest in continuing to participate in the community. He had also expressed a strong opinion on one of his trust ratings. My major concern about removing recent trust ratings is that since you are not 100% certain the person leaving the trust ratings was not the rightful owner of the account (by some measure), then removing such trust ratings would be essentially moderating his trust ratings (as some of them were controversial), and this is very disconcerting. What is even more disconcerting is that this appears to be an example as to how a scammer can get away with scamming simply by complaining loud and long enough, and slings enough dirt at the person(s) calling them out then they will be able to scam without consequence.

Did you happen to keep a record of these ratings? They might be useful in determining who stole his account. I wouldn't be surprised if they left positive trust for themselves and/or negative trust for their enemies. I can't see why else someone would hack a DT account and keep it secret for so long, they knew any trust they left would be worthless if it came to light that the account had been hacked.
The Wardrick account left a negative trust rating for tspacepilot and Brad Harrison, left a neutral rating for turtlehurricane (although I believe that may have been removed prior to yesterday), and left a positive trust rating for tomatocage. I don't think the account was hacked though because the "real" owner would have likely come back to attempt to claim the account sometime between May and now, especially considering the amount of business it was conducting prior to May (assuming he wanted to remain on bitcointalk).
Perhaps Wardrick hasn't come forward because he sold the account, I'm sure it would've been worth a fair amount.
It was most likely sold, see the above part of my post.
hero member
Activity: 908
Merit: 657
I suspect that Wardrick's account was compromised around May, though I'm not 100% sure. But I'm not hearing any evidence one way or another from anyone who previously owned the account, so I suppose the account will be locked for some time. Therefore, I removed Wardrick's recent sent trust ratings. He can rewrite them later if his account is ever restored.

Did you happen to keep a record of these ratings? They might be useful in determining who stole his account. I wouldn't be surprised if they left positive trust for themselves and/or negative trust for their enemies. I can't see why else someone would hack a DT account and keep it secret for so long, they knew any trust they left would be worthless if it came to light that the account had been hacked.

Perhaps Wardrick hasn't come forward because he sold the account, I'm sure it would've been worth a fair amount.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
I suspect that Wardrick's account was compromised around May, though I'm not 100% sure. But I'm not hearing any evidence one way or another from anyone who previously owned the account, so I suppose the account will be locked for some time. Therefore, I removed Wardrick's recent sent trust ratings. He can rewrite them later if his account is ever restored.

Great, now if only Vod would remove his pointless one
Activity: 1168
Merit: 1049
I suspect that Wardrick's account was compromised around May, though I'm not 100% sure. But I'm not hearing any evidence one way or another from anyone who previously owned the account, so I suppose the account will be locked for some time. Therefore, I removed Wardrick's recent sent trust ratings. He can rewrite them later if his account is ever restored.

Thank you. The original Wardrick had been inactive for a while until he rose up to this situation (I think) so he may have left the forum.
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