The further from the end of the chain that a block occurs, the more likely it is to be valid. If you accept a transactions after 6 confirms, then you should accept a block that is 6+ back along the block chain.
To fake it, you need > 50% of the hashing power of the network since the point where you fork it.
The chain "timestamp"/certification process is secured by the hashing power of the network not by the digital signatures on the transactions.
If you were able to generate an alternative chain that was longer than the main chain, then you could just generate a chain which is 100% coinbase transactions all payable to you.
As long as a chain starts from the genesis block, has valid timestamps (increasing properly and not more than 2 hours in the future), correctly calculated difficulty updates and all hashes meet the difficulty target, then it can be assumed to be a valid chain. This can be confirmed entirely by looking at the headers.