Even with Asics BTC is not profitable you can never breakeven the hardware costs. So the better option is to buy a GPU and mine alts.
which alt coins are you mining? i've tried my hand at ltc but my hardware wasn't quite up to spec... was only getting 12Kh/s cpu mining
CPU mining is obsolete now. You can't have any profit in any coin. I am mining with an AMD Radeon 7950 it produces 550kh/s. I mostly Mine PXC with it. But some times I mine a coin which hasn't yet hit an exchange to get more profit from it. Then I sell that coin and buy PXC with it. I am mining for long term.
what is you thoughts about mining in any system is this good profitable or just taking too much time I have some discussion with few friends and they all talking about this its now not too much profitable in any case so please tell what your thoughts about these all in general