Its named as Kukkar NFT.
Contract Address : 0x05d4124b3e346d641dF0c7202B30094c467ad4E4
price : 0.01 rinkeby test ether
if u want to mint an NFT, u r more then welcome. Just a test project, nothing more.. but In Sha Allah it'll b the beginning of something special.
There is a problem with it, and that is, it only allows u to mint 1 nft at a time. I m looking into it but yeah u can have one so why wait..
plz note, only use Rinkeby Test ether
Sounds good… but brother any link or how to check you NFT?
Btw I’m loving the name Kukkar NFT.
Sorry for being lazy bro koi link shink add karo so we can click to see
This is the address,.. i have only minted 1 nft so its only showing 1 nft at the time. BTW the NFT i used was for another test project that i created on Ropsten network, named Daddu NFT, so instead of created new NFT, i used the same NFT address so it'll display DDunion with NFT and as far as the art of NFT is concerned, its not my own, its also copied from the internet. These things would get original once i go for the live project, InShaAllah
I pray brother.You thus know more at the top.You are at that stage now.insha'Allah one day you will reach a much bigger stage.There was love brother.If you help us we can learn something too.