410,446.24459859 lost somewhere
PKkJoxU4DJYaUqU9bd414wjTcFR88wivxo contains 410k pnd. They are not lost. If you have the privkey to that address, you can access the coins.
You can try this: Go to help->debug->console
type dumpwallet /some/path/mydump.txt
Look into mydump.txt (don't show it online!) and see if there is a privkey (first column) for that address. If it's there, then save that file as a backup. With that privkey you should be able to access your 410k coins.
If the coins are on the blockchain with this address, they are there.
Edit: Now it shows 1,079,671 on the blockchain... seems you moved them back to the address.
Thank you. I will try this