it is my first reply / post on here, but i do want to weigh in. i cant nt weigh in. this sh!t eats me alive...
privacy, you better take that serious. There is not a law, in any country which specifies you have the right to privacy.
To ignore it, because you dont use illegal sites, thats utter nonsense to tell people and a crap rule of thumb.
Companies like google, yahoo, etc. Are bigger, more financcially powerful than shell, texaco, etc...
Your data is worth more than oil these days. I am not going into discussion here with anybody. believe me or educate yourself
better on this topic, because i believe "you" are seven years behind. "so catch up - yall slow - escargot."
Maybe the documentary "the great hack" will scare you ignorants straight. i ffs hope so, watch that thing please.
You wont be sleeping that day. You will be changed forever.
About securing your ass:
Usually a proper vpn is where it starts, next to not using windows. that was never ment for online. its an office product.
But still, i suggest to checkout ProtonVPN, it has a really really good free option. binaries for all distro's, os's, droidTurds.
the payed version is better, ofcourse and still very cheap. but what you get for free - it is fenominal.
A proper, good, secure no-nonse vpn service. As free member, you ride along because proton understands even me and you
need to protect yourself, and basically use the paying customers cash to let you , us do that.
Their servers are in switserland, so not any agency in the world can touch it.
If you like that, than also get protonMail
free aswell. it will protect communications like no other will.
also available on all platforms.
if you need more anonimity you can use tor, or better even: t.a.i.l.s.
download iso, burn, boot. done. You have a live-bootable tor enabled linux desktop, focussed on yur anonimity and privacy.
tails stands for: The Amnesiac Incognito Linux System.
Occasionally i use it, than all TX going out will be instantly recognizable a tor-traffic.
Some might even find this by itself suspicious - so you need to think of a trick to open a tunnel, than (re)direct tor-traffic through it...
either way, on linux, unix, w32/64, droid, apple...get a VPN it really is mandatory.
even if you cant really care, you are a saint - someone else shouldnt peek at what you do! point.
than sell what they know about you against the highest bid. how can someone not care?
i cannot understand this. it is really the wrong attitude.
Now say, if you need to comply with such and such service, site, whatever and you have to provide some details
like mentioned in this thread: name, surname, address, phone, license, registration, urine sample...
a vpn can still be used. I am from the netherlands, i use dutch ip addresses all the time - i can choose from
many, if not all countries. I even use a dutch ip as entry point for my tunnel, i come out at yet another dutch ip.
Even if you dont or cant - whatever!
With a VPN you still are hiding yourself, your system specs, browser specs,
analytics cant get to you!!! thats soooo important.
it is THE most important i'd say since 7 or 8 years back. Protextion against analytics.
For some, it is LE - but they will be protected against both or be in jail {^-^}
again, watch "the great hack". remember the name: cambridge analytics.
they toppled governments - like many many many. with use of analytics, manipulating users with "personalized ads "
mindWarped, corkScrewed their heads, hypnotic suggestively fed cookies and pet them on the back until their target was reached - B4NG.
onto the next.
let me give a shocking or even a "i cant believe you guy" hint:
england out of the eu. it was a test, performed by cambridge analytics. to show how much power they have.
trump as the circus leader, was the goal. they have the power to get that funking joker in the white house.
you think someone who has no money, owns factually one hotel / appartement building - instead of what he tells: the half west coast...
a below average iq , billions in debt, and is just a marketeer, a talker a sales person wouldd make it to the white house?
h3lln0. not. never.
hiring a morally corrupted company who using analytics as a weapon against their own people just barely did the trick... lol.
One woman, not the least - human right activist, with some serious curicculum vitae told before a judge:
what we do, abusing analytics data from facebook, google, etc.
should be registered as a weapon: it is psychological warfare.
she showed a map of arizona orso, with blue and red. Most was blue - but should be red for their goal.
the interviewer asks: what if the bblue stays? she said: well we keep going until it is what we need it to be?
// mumbling in myself.. "omg - the world, all you too - seriously need to get up to par. this sh!!t happened years back."
they had like 40M x 5 companies of user profiles, and each profile has 5000 target points?
you , me... 5000 points to influence you,to make you do what they need, want, require. or just to funk whicha.
No stopping them, until they get it done. While "you" don't even know it... let alone notice it.
please do not think, or say that privacy is ot important.
until YOU are the owner of YOUR data, best watch-r-back.
the great hack.
watch that, before going into discusssion with me.
i am used to alottttt. this one shook me off-balance. things are further ahead than i thought.
let alone what the world thinks. the word cant handle the truth, "the great hack".
Thanks for reading,
~ Joe.