If I am an American taxpayer, then I just traded "property" for a small bottle of white glue, and now I have to track and report the "capital gains" on my huge pile of Magic Internet Money, and when America successfully spreads their special form of "freedom" throughout the whole world, then everyone will have to report capital gains for even the smallest transactions, and people will see that Bitcoins are useless, and the world will find great value in the "Blockchain technology", but not BTC as money, and China will finally break Bitcoins' neck with a hard ban, not this "soft ban" that seems to have the worlds largest mining farms growing throughout the Red Empire, and once BTC falls to ZERO you will not be able to get even 20 cents for your "digital gold".
Now do you understand why Bitcoin is/was and always will be, just a silly toy for "libertarians" and wanna-be economic terrorists?