I made a very wrong decision on a game I staked today and this is unlike me because I don't normally check on my games until its settled because sometimes you will tempted with some crazy things like cash-out which is what I did today and although you won't blame me to some extent but still if I was patient enough as the final results if the games came through and Instead of winning the whole money, I got only a fraction of the funds.
You should be okay with the amount you cashed out despite that the whole games play according to your prediction so just forget about that you were not patient enough to wait till the whole games have played but greed is another problem of gamblers because wetin to win it all most times, leads to losing everything so never you think that you made a huge mistake by cashing it out when all the games have not finished playing yet.
Gambling is a game of patience and luck but you should follow up your gambling with caution and wisdom because if you are the type that always want to take home the whole possible return all the time, you may not be able to be lucky at all because it will be so obvious that you are a greedy person. We have heard so many cases where a gambler was offered a reasonable amount of cash out but due to greed, majority of them lose it all and even try to commit sucide. Just be comfortable with any amount you win and don't attempt to still win more because you may end up losing the amount you won.
This is how greed starts, when you are not happy about the little ones you got there will be a time when you win cash-out the bigger ones because you have already believed that the last time they cashed out your bet the whole games played so you won't want to cash out this one and funny enough that the ones you didn't cash-out will now have to lose and your money will be gone,,, the reasons is because you did the right thing at the wrong time and also did the wrong things at the at the right wrong time also. Gamble is not a things of must, it's something that act together with luck, ones you don't have luck in what ever you predict you won't win because it's not the perfect time to win.
At first when I see the topic and the first paragraph, I was saying how patient come to gambling but the "Cash out" statement made me to calm down.
Actually, for one to win from bets they also have to be patient because one you are not patient you will give up,,, there are statements that says, never give up. And who ever that gives up has lose. Those who make make such statements didn't make a mistake. Patient can always give us whatever we want at the right time, even when it comes to investments, if you aren't patient enough you can't be able to hold when you see that price is dropping.