Amount Pay Back : 0.2 BTC ($45 USD)
Repay : I will repay in 5 days (I will be generating about $5-$10 a day if I get this loan) | I can explain what I am doing to make the money back.
Address : 19jEuB3STDqgDoobQ9F61xrjnCfdRNciuY
I am a well known and trusted vendor which you can find here:
A "well known vendor" selling stolen property....
Do you have proof I stole this so called msdn account? I didn't buy the msdn account from people here.
Sorry - you provide the proof they are not stolen. Buyers should know their keys won't be deactivated in the future...
So you change the subject? When I tell you to provide proof but you don't have any proof they were stolen. I am more than glad to show proof to a Moderator or Admin as I don't like my personal information on the internet.
Then do it, and I will remove the negative trust. Liar.